about our program
At Able Athletics, we recognize that basketball is a complex sport that blends a variety of movements and skills. Our program is designed to offer children the opportunity to enhance their skills while enjoying the game.
Fundamentally, we place a strong emphasis on the fun factor. Reflecting on experiences over the years, we understand that the friendships and connections formed in basketball settings are equally as enjoyable as the game itself. Our primary objective is to provide every Able athlete with the chance to nurture these relationships and savor the joy of participating in our Able basketball program.
One remarkable and distinct aspect of the Able Athletic experience is the powerful bond that develops between Able athletes and high school volunteers. This connection extends well beyond everyday interactions, yielding lasting benefits for all involved.
Meet Todd
Director of Basketball
Todd Spano's passion for basketball began at an early age, influenced by his high school coach father and his own playing experience from the age of 5. He later transitioned into coaching at the age of 18. As a father of two boys who share his love for the game, Todd discovered Able Athletics when one of his sons faced medical challenges that limited his participation in organized sports. After witnessing the profound connections among athletes, coaches, and mentors within the Able program, Todd was inspired to take on a more active role. He assumed a position with Able Athletics with the firm belief that basketball is a fantastic sport, and he is dedicated to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to enjoy the game.
a community united
Through the love of basketball
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